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  Deutsches Fussball Internat (DFI Grade 5-13) (Deutsches Fussball Internat (DFI Grade 5-13))
位置 : ドイツ > Bad Aibling 設立年度 : 2012
定員(在学生数) : 350/100 空港ピックアップ : あり
  Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Straße 20, 83043 Bad Aibling
  Telephone : +49 8061 391620   Fax : +49 (8061) - 93772 - 11
  Website : https://www.deutschesfussballinternat.de/
学校の基本情報 コース内容 位置 写真 学校の評価
- All qualifications up to High School possible
- Three types of school: Middle School, Secondary School, Vocational High School
- Majority of the homework and learning is done during the course of the day at school
- 2 hours of Sport (football training) daily
- Passionate teaching team with a strong affinity
Wir gehen davon aus, dass wir zum neuen Schuljahr 100 Schüler beherbergen werden. Davon werden ca. 30 internationale Schüler sein, die aus bis zu 20 verschiedenen Ländern kommen
  Deutsches Fussball Internat (DFI Grade 5-13) について

Everything under one roof: middle school(Mittelschule)(grade 5-10). Secondary school(Fachoberschule)(grade 11-12). Technical college and academy(Akademie)(grade

Every house needs stones that build on each other, clockwork, gears that mesh with one another. The DDBC has a bit of both.
The focus is on young people with their natural curiosity for the new.
This is exactly where we would like to pick him up and give you as parents the feeling that you have done everything right when it comes to education.

Middle school:
From the 7th grade onwards there can be three goals: First there is the successful or the qualifying graduation from the middle school after grade 9. We also enable the middle school at the middle school after grade 10. The training duration is accordingly five or six years.

Secondary school:
The DBBC Realschule accompanies your child until the end of the qualification as being particularly suitable for commercial or administrative professions. The way there begins from the 7th grade with the elective subject group II (economics). The subjects of business administration / accounting, economics and law as well as information technology are taught with a focus on word processing. In the 10th grade, students take a written final exam in the subjects German, English, Mathematics II and BwR.

Technical College:
In the course offered in business and administration, the focus is on the subjects of business administration with accounting, economics and law. The students are given knowledge in economic, commercial and legal professional fields. In the 11th grade there is also practical training. After having passed the technical college entrance qualification in the subjects German, English, Mathematics II and BwR, the high school graduates are well equipped for the future with their professional competence.

Life means learning. And learning means living.
We at DBBC simply implement schools differently. Because we take care of the young people entrusted to us with heart and mind. In order to prepare your child for life in the best possible way, from our point of view it is not enough to merely impart pure knowledge and to work through curricula. We are convinced that only the combination of formal and informal education, which depicts the different facets of life and society, provides the right tools for (professional) life.

Our education campus really lives up to its name, because individual education is our top priority. The campus offers all opportunities for advancement. This makes it possible to switch to another type of school with the appropriate qualifications. And this happens without parents having to think about new logistics. And without any stress for the students. Everything stays as it was: the same place, familiar faces, familiar processes. And contact with school friends is not lost either.

Deutsches Fußball Internat DFI | Bildungstage München


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