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位置 : ドイツ > Elze 設立年度 : 1951
定員(在学生数) : 930 空港ピックアップ : yes
  Dr-Martin-Freytag-Str. 1 31008 Elze
  Telephone : +49 5068 466 0   Fax : +49 5068 466 179
  Website : http://www.cjd-elze.de
学校の基本情報 コース内容 位置 写真 学校の評価
- Private boarding school in Hannover, Elze for boys and girls(Grade 5-13)
- Montly tuition fee of EUR1800, it's on the affordable side
- Staying at the boarding house during vacation possible(except Summer and christmas holidays
- Abitur(A-level)
- CJD Elze is located in Lower Saxony. All schools in Lower Saxony have the G9 system, i.e. the Abitur can be done after grade 13
  CJD ELZE について
Language program 
영어 (CLASS5) 
불어 및 라틴어( CLASS 6) 
러시아어, 불어, 라틴어 또는 러시아어 (CLASS 10) 
스페인어와 아랍어 (WORKSHOPS)

Number of boarders(기숙사 학생 수) APPROX 100

NO School uniform 

The focus of our work is the child with their strengths and talents, skills and interests. 
The boarding school pedagogues and teachers of the CJD Christophorusschule Elze build on the strengths of each individual in order to educate the students entrusted to them to become self-confident young people. 
Our pedagogy is based on the principle "It is not the best that counts, but your best." 
However, imparting knowledge alone is not enough for young people to develop into self-confident, stable personalities who can take responsibility and withstand social pressures. 
In our everyday life, beliefs and beliefs develop. For us, this includes a Christian lifestyle, which is reflected in considerate cooperation.

Our boarding school is very scenic on a 12 hectare site and is embedded in the beautiful Leinebergland on the edge of the small town of Elze. 
The spacious campus consists of the school buildings of the grammar school, the cafeteria, the sports center, the riding hall and the music school as well 
as several boarding houses in which the students learn and live.

OECKOは1981年に設立された、On、Off-line留学サービスです。 今まで排出された約2万人以上の学生達は、社会のあちこちで活動しています。それぞれの国の名門大学と提携しており、グローバル人材育成に努め、正直さと誠実を基礎として只管一道を歩いてきました。(または、業界のみ携わって来ました。)米国、カナダ、英国、オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、日本、ドイツ、スペイン、フランスなどヨーロッパで語学研修を自ら計画して、直接申し込みするためのサイトです。自分が直接志願するため、手数料がありません。しかし、高校、大学(院)の申込み及びエッセイの作成は、敏感な事項であるため有料で進行可能です。語学研修の入学許可書は3日~14日以内に受けることができます。
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