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  Collegium Johanneum Schloss Loburg (Collegium Johanneum Schloss Loburg)
位置 : ドイツ > Ostbevern 設立年度 : 1962
定員(在学生数) : 950 空港ピックアップ : あり
  Loburg 15 48346 Ostbevern
  Telephone : +49 2532 871 41   Fax : +49 2532 871 55
  Website : http://die-loburg.de/
学校の基本情報 コース内容 位置 写真 学校の評価
- German Gymnasium study abroad
- Grade 5-12
- Abitur after graduating
- If youhave proof that you are catholic, discount available
- boarding fee is included in tuition fee
  Collegium Johanneum Schloss Loburg について
More than one hundred students from Germany and many other countries around the world have found a second home here at the boarding school on Loburg in order to live and learn together.
Our boarding school was founded in 1948 in Wadersloh 50 km away, before it moved three years later already to Ostbevern - a contemplative village on the border of North Rhine-Westphalia to Lower Saxony, about 20 km northeast of Münster and 40 km southwest of Osnabrück.

Weekends spent together in the boarding school strengthen the cohesion and the sense of being. For this reason, there are the so-called "boarding weekend" in the Loburg. Here, the students can make their own day, pursue common hobbies and spend time together. 
Of course, however, close contact with the family and friends should be kept home, which is why there is a "home travel weekend" every two weeks to compensate. Here the boys and girls drive home after class on Friday and return to boarding school around 6 pm on Sunday evening.
The boarding and return weekends are set before the beginning of each school year. Should it be necessary, students can, of course, also go home on a boarding weekend or stay at boarding school on a weekend trip home. It is only important that this is communicated by the parents in time with us and coordinated. 
A special feature applies to our international students: 
they usually stay in the boarding school all year round and only go home during the summer holidays and over Christmas.
OECKOは1981年に設立された、On、Off-line留学サービスです。 今まで排出された約2万人以上の学生達は、社会のあちこちで活動しています。それぞれの国の名門大学と提携しており、グローバル人材育成に努め、正直さと誠実を基礎として只管一道を歩いてきました。(または、業界のみ携わって来ました。)米国、カナダ、英国、オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、日本、ドイツ、スペイン、フランスなどヨーロッパで語学研修を自ら計画して、直接申し込みするためのサイトです。自分が直接志願するため、手数料がありません。しかし、高校、大学(院)の申込み及びエッセイの作成は、敏感な事項であるため有料で進行可能です。語学研修の入学許可書は3日~14日以内に受けることができます。
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