Three different Gymnasium program language as main major: English,German,Mathematics,History,French or Latin,Biology,Music,Ethics,politics or economy social studies as main major: history,German,politics or economy,mathematics,English or Latin,Biology,Music,Ethics and Physics science studies as main major: Biology,Mathematics,German,History,English or Latin,Physics,Music,Ethics,Politics or Economy Boarding house daily schedule:
6.30am wake up,dressing and cleaning the room 7am-7.30am breakfast 7.55am bus from boarding house to the school 8.15am start of class 12.35pm-1.20pm lunch time 2.45pm end of class 2.55pm bus from the school to boarding school 3.15pm-3.45pm cake and coffee 3.30pm-5pm Tuition,Clubs,free time activity 6pm-6.30pm dinner from 7pm free time Leaving boarding house and bed time: age 10-12: back at boarding house:8.30pm , Bed time: 9pm age 13-14: back at boarding house:9pm , Bed time: 9.30pm age 15-16 : back at boarding house:9.30pm , Bed time:10pm seniors: 11pm |