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  Humboldt-Institut e.V. - Lindenberg (Humboldt-Institut e.V. - Lindenberg)
位置 : ドイツ > 設立年度 : 1977
定員(在学生数) : 250 空港ピックアップ : あり
  Ellgasser Straße 42 88161 Lindenberg im Allgäu Germany
  Telephone : +49 8381 898 134   Fax : +49 8381 898 136
  Website : http://www.humboldt-institut.org
学校の基本情報 コース内容 位置 写真 学校の評価
- Language Learning Center for Hopeful Students of Boarding School
- Dormitory Available for All 220 Students
- Gorgeous View of the Alps
- Students Between Ages of 13-17
- Enrollment Available Throughout Year
  Humboldt-Institut e.V. - Lindenberg について
Do you wish to attend a boarding school in Germany? If you have chosen this institution in preparation for boarding school, then you have made a wise choice! Students must acquire the B2 level of German language proficiency to apply for public or private boarding school, and ordinarily, 25 weeks is plenty of preparation time. Humboldt offers two institutions for learning. The Lindenberg center, especially, has been in operation since 1977 and has served over 50,000 students from over 160 countries.
Lindenberg provides access to all 32 private and public boarding schools in Germany. OECKO is the exclusive partner of Humboldt, and offers great incentives as well. OECKO provides a German visa, and assistance in application for insurance, all for free. The Humboldt Lindenberg center offers 25 hours of classes to juniors (10-14), and 30 hours to teenagers (14-17)
Residential School on the Edge of Lindenberg

Our school is located on the edge of Lindenberg on a little hill with gorgeous views of the mountains and the town, which is within easy walking distance (less than 10 minutes). The course center is a residential school, i.e., the classrooms are within the same building complex as the student dormitories. It lies amidst a beautiful park and next to a small forest, both of which belong to the school premises of the Humboldt-Institut.

Modern School Facilities

Many classrooms have very large south-facing windows with breathtaking views of the Alps and all of them are equipped with modern teaching facilities. The house offers room for almost 200 students and has a fantastic infrastructure with lots of facilities for leisure activities.

  Humboldt-Institut e.V. - Lindenberg について
2023/2024 입학 가능한 공, 사립 보딩 학교정보
학교명 / 비용 / 도시명 / 기타
Baden-Württemberg / Baden-Wuerttemberg / 바덴뷔르템베르크 주
1 Heimschule Kloster Wald (only for girls) Annual Cost EUR 19,100 + Additional costs 발트 Wald only for those who hold a valid visa in Germany
Kurpfalz-Internat / Annual Cost EUR 45,960 + Additional Costs  밤맨탈 Bammental
3 Schloss-Schule Kirchberg  Annual Cost EUR 42,500 + Additional Costs / Kirchberg/Jagst
4 Schule Birklehof / Annual Cost EUR 45,600 + Additional Costs Hinterzarten
Schule Schloss Salem Annual Cost EUR 46,200 + Additional Costs / 살렘Salem
Urspring schule / Annual Cost EUR 47,500 (including German language support) / Schelklingen
Zinzendorfschulen Annual Cost EUR 34,200 / Koenigsfeld
Europaeisches Gymnasium Waldenburg / Annual Cost EUR 21,000 + Additional Costs Waldenburg
Paedagogium Baden Baden Annual Cost EUR 20,904 + Additional Costs Baden Baden

Bayern / Bavaria / 바이에른 주
10 Christian-von-Bomhard-Schule Annual Cost EUR 27,300 + Additional Costs Uffenheim
11 Gymnasium Lindenberg mit Humboldt-Internat / Annual Cost EUR 29,600 + Additional Costs / 린덴베르크Lindenberg
12 Gymnasium mit Internat Hohenschwangau Annual Cost EUR 5,700 + Additional Costs / 슈방가우Schwangau
13 Gymnasium Maktoberdorf Annual Cost EUR ??? Additional Costs / Marktoberdorf Allgaeu
14 Institut Schloss Brannenburg / Annual Cost EUR 33,900 + Additional Costs Brannenburg
15 Landheim Ammersee / Annual Cost EUR 50,700 + Additional Costs 바이에른주 숀도르프 Schondorf am Ammersee
16 Max-Rill-Schule Schloss Reichersbeuern Annual Cost EUR 40,800 + Additional Costs / 바이에른주 라이셔스보이어른Reichersbeuern
17 Schloss Neubeuern Annual Cost EUR 49,440 + Additional Costs / 바이에른주 노이보이어른Neubeuern
18 Schule Schloss Stein Annual Cost EUR 47,640 + Additional Costs 바이에른주 슈타인안데어트라운 Stein an der Traun
19 Staatliches Landschulheim Marquartstein / Annual Cost EUR 10,800 + Additional Costs Maquartstein
20 Landschulheim Schloss Ising Annual Cost EUR 5736 + Additional Costs / Chieming
21 Gymnasium Max Josef Stift (only girls) / Annual Cost EUR 4740 + Additional Costs Muenchen
22 Gymnasium Pegnitz(only boys) / Annual Cost EUR 4740 + Additional Costs Pegnitz
23 Steigerwald Lansndschulheim Wiesentheid Annual Costs EUR 4686 + Additional Costs / Wiesentheid
24 Willibald Gymnasium Annual Cost EUR 5220 + Additional Costs Eichstaett

Brannenborg / Brandenburg / 브란덴부르크주
25 Gymnasium im Stift Neuzelle / Annual Cost EUR 32,760 + Additional Costs / Neuzelle
26 Gymnasium Villa Elisabeth Annual Cost EUR 28,500 + Additional Costs / Wldau

Hessen / Hesse / 헤센주
27 Hermann-Lietz-Schule Schloss Bieberstein / Annual Cost EUR 41,076 + Additional Costs / 헤센주 하우빈다 Hofbieber
28 Hermann-Lietz-Schule Schloss Hohenwehrda Annual Cost EUR 42,720 + Additional Costs / 헤센주 하운넨탈 Haunetal
29 Schulzentrum Marienhoehe Annual Cost EUR 33600 + Additional Costs Darmstadt
30 Steinmuehle Internatschule Annual Cost EUR 41940 + Additional Costs Marburg
31 Internat Institut Luicius Annual Cost EUR 18,960 + Additional CostsEchzell
32 Privatgymnasium Koenigshofen Annual Cost EUR 18,000 + Additional Costs Niederhausen

Niedersachsen / Lower Saxony 니더작센주
33 Burgberg Gymnasium Annual Cost EUR 26,220 + Additional Costs / 니더삭센주 바드하르츠부르크 Harzburg
34 CJD Elze Annual Cost EUR 30750 + Additional Costs / 니더삭센주 엘체 Elze
35 Evangelisches internat Dassel Annual Cost EUR ??? + Additional Costs Dassel
36 Hermann-Lietz-Schule Spiekeroog Annual Cost EUR 45360 + Additional Costs Spiekeroog
37 Landschulheim am Solling Annual Cost EUR 41400 + Additional Costs / 니더삭센주 홀쯔민덴 Holzminden 
38 Paedagogium Bad Sachsa Annual Cost EUR 35200 + Additional Costs / 니더삭센주 바드 사샤 Bad Sachsa 
39 Schule Marienau Annual Cost EUR 45120 + Additional Costs / 슐레스비히홀스타인주 다흘렘 Dahlem-Marienau

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania / 메클렌부르크포어포메른주
40 Internatsgymnasium Schloss Torgelow / Annual Cost EUR 41148 + Additional Costs 메클렌부르크포어포메른주 토겔로우 암 제 Torgelow am See
41. CJD Christophorusschule Rostock Annual Cost EUR 28,000 Rostock

Nordrhein-Westfalen / North Rhine-Westphalia / 노르트라인베스트팔렌주
42 Collegium Augustinianum Gaesdonck Annual Cost EUR 34200 + Additional Costs Goch
43 Collegium Johanneum Schloss Loburg Annual Cost EUR 30000 + Additional Costs 노드라인베스트팔렌주 오스트베버른 Ostbevern 
44 Institut Schloss Wittgenstein / Annual Cost EUR 27,700 + Additional Costs / 노드라인베스트팔렌주 바드라스페 Bad laasphe 
45 Internat Schloss Buldern Annual Cost EUR 35000 + Additional Costs / 노르드라인 베스트팔렌 주 Duelmen Buldern
46 Kruger Internat und Schulen Annual Cost EUR 37800 + Additional Costs 노르드라인 베스트팔렌 주 Lotte  
47 Privates Aufbaugymnasium Iserlohn Annual Cost EUR 29,400 + Additional Costs Iserlohn
48 Landschulheim Schloss Heessen Annual Cost EUR 36,480 + Additional Costs / 노르드라인 베스트팔렌 주 함 Hamm
49 Privates Ernst-Kalkuhl-Gymnasium Bonn Annual Cost EUR 27000 + Additional Costs Bonn
50 Villa Wewersbusch Annual Cost EUR 33600
 + Additional Costs Velbert

Rheinland-Pfalz / Rhineland-Palatinate / 라인란트팔츠주
51 Gymnasium Weierhof Annual Cost EUR 39060 + Additional Costs Bolanden
52 Trifels Gymnasium Annweiler Annual Cost EUR ???+ Additional Costs Annweiler am Trifels
53 Staatliches Eifelgymnasium Annual Cost EUR 3600 + Additional Costs Neuerburg

Sachsen-Anhalt / Saxony-Anhalt / 작센안할트주
54 Landschulheim Grovesmuhle Annual Cost EUR 37200 + Additional Costs Veckenstaedt

Schleswig-Holstein / Schleswig-Holstein / 슐레스비히홀슈타인주
55 Stiftung Louisenlund Annual Cost EUR 53088 + Additional Costs 슐레스비히 홀슈타인 주 Gueby
56 Nordsee Internat Annual Cost EUR 30150 + Additional Costs Sankt Peter Ording

Thüringen / Thuringia / 튀링겐주
57 Hermann-Lietz-Schule Haubinda Annual Cost EUR 35940 + Additional Costs / 튀링겐 주 Haubinda
58 Klosterschule Rossleben Annual Cost EUR 31800 + Additional Costs Rossleben

위의 학비는 김나지움에 따라 인상분이 바뀔수 있습니다.

OECKOは1981年に設立された、On、Off-line留学サービスです。 今まで排出された約2万人以上の学生達は、社会のあちこちで活動しています。それぞれの国の名門大学と提携しており、グローバル人材育成に努め、正直さと誠実を基礎として只管一道を歩いてきました。(または、業界のみ携わって来ました。)米国、カナダ、英国、オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、日本、ドイツ、スペイン、フランスなどヨーロッパで語学研修を自ら計画して、直接申し込みするためのサイトです。自分が直接志願するため、手数料がありません。しかし、高校、大学(院)の申込み及びエッセイの作成は、敏感な事項であるため有料で進行可能です。語学研修の入学許可書は3日~14日以内に受けることができます。
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Overseas Education & Culture Center of Korea (OECKO)
104-A, Gunjagwan, Sejong University, 209 Neungdong-ro Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, 05006,South Korea
Phone: +82-2-512-2022, +82-10-2018-3228