* Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.
January 9, February 6, March 6, April 3, May 1, May 29, June 26, July 24, August 21, September 18, October 16, November 13, December 11
January 8, February 5, March 4, April 1, April 29, May 27, June 24, July 22, August 19, September 16, October 14, November 11, December 9
Cancellation Policy
*If you withdraw after completing at least 50% of your booked course, you will not be
eligible for a refund.
If canceled within 28 days, $300 is retained for each 4-week session canceled less than 28 days in advance.
*If you enter the U.S.A. on a student visa sponsored by ELS and cancel your booked course or do not report for class, ELS will retain the first four weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee if you have a booked course of four or eight weeks. If you have a booked course of 12 weeks or more, ELS will retain the first six weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee.
*The application fee toward a new course for up to 12 months after your initially
scheduled start-date when you cancel your initial program.
*When you cancel your program, you will lose discounted tuition. But if you complete level 109 or 112 student will be fully refunded.
Housing Cancellation
If a student wishes to cancel or defer, we kindly ask that they notify us as soon as possible.
- If the student notifies ELS at least 14 days prior to arrival, the housing reservation fee will be refunded in full.
- If the student notifies ELS fewer than 14 days prior to arrival, the reservation fee is non-refundable.
- In case of a visa denial, ELS will refund the $600 reservation fee upon receipt of a visa denial letter.
American Explorer Program(ACP) (American Explorer Program(ACP))
* Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.
January 9, February 6, March 6, April 3, May 1, May 29, June 26, July 24, August 21, September 18, October 16, November 13, December 11
January 8, February 5, March 4, April 1, April 29, May 27, June 24, July 22, August 19, September 16, October 14, November 11, December 9
Cancellation Policy
*If you withdraw after completing at least 50% of your booked course, you will not be
eligible for a refund.
If canceled within 28 days, $300 is retained for each 4-week session canceled less than 28 days in advance.
*If you enter the U.S.A. on a student visa sponsored by ELS and cancel your booked course or do not report for class, ELS will retain the first four weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee if you have a booked course of four or eight weeks. If you have a booked course of 12 weeks or more, ELS will retain the first six weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee.
*The application fee toward a new course for up to 12 months after your initially
scheduled start-date when you cancel your initial program.
*When you cancel your program, you will lose discounted tuition. But if you complete level 109 or 112 student will be fully refunded.
Housing Cancellation
If a student wishes to cancel or defer, we kindly ask that they notify us as soon as possible.
- If the student notifies ELS at least 14 days prior to arrival, the housing reservation fee will be refunded in full.
- If the student notifies ELS fewer than 14 days prior to arrival, the reservation fee is non-refundable.
- In case of a visa denial, ELS will refund the $600 reservation fee upon receipt of a visa denial letter.
Intensive English Program(IEP) (Intensive English Program(IEP))
* Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.
January 6, February 3, March 31, April 28, May 27, June 23, July 21, August 18, September 8, October 6, November 3, December 1
January 1, January 29, February 26, March 25, April 22, May 20, June 17, July 15, August 12, September 9, October 7, November 4, December 2
Cancellation Policy
*If you withdraw after completing at least 50% of your booked course, you will not be
eligible for a refund.
If canceled within 28 days, $300 is retained for each 4-week session canceled less than 28 days in advance.
*If you enter the U.S.A. on a student visa sponsored by ELS and cancel your booked course or do not report for class, ELS will retain the first four weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee if you have a booked course of four or eight weeks. If you have a booked course of 12 weeks or more, ELS will retain the first six weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee.
*The application fee toward a new course for up to 12 months after your initially
scheduled start-date when you cancel your initial program.
*When you cancel your program, you will lose discounted tuition. But if you complete level 109 or 112 student will be fully refunded.
Housing Cancellation
If a student wishes to cancel or defer, we kindly ask that they notify us as soon as possible.
- If the student notifies ELS at least 14 days prior to arrival, the housing reservation fee will be refunded in full.
- If the student notifies ELS fewer than 14 days prior to arrival, the reservation fee is non-refundable.
- In case of a visa denial, ELS will refund the $600 reservation fee upon receipt of a visa denial letter.
Option1) Homestays in the area
Room Type: Singles
Meals: 14 meals per week.
Homestay families offer a continental breakfast as well as a full dinner everyday. The host parents are encouraged to spend time with their student during mealtimes though it is not always possible in the morning. If the student has any special dietary needs, it is imperative that the student informs us and also has a conversation with their host family to ensure that the need is met.
Min Age: 16
Key/Damage: None
Description: Live like a local with host families. American families are often very different from how they are portrayed in the media. Each one is unique; staying with an American family is an eye-opening experience into different lifestyles. It is common for families to have children and pets - the more the merrier! Everyone helps out around the house and students are responsible for keeping their bedroom area neat and generally picking up after themselves. The Golden Gate Transit bus line serves the San Rafael area and there are bus stops within a 5 minute walk of the Center. Students may be responsible for transportation to/from the Center.
The average commute time is currently up to 45 minutes by public bus, or in some cases bicycle, or foot. In some cases, host families are willing to provide transportation, although not required. The Center's homestays are conveniently located close to GGT bus stops, so students have the freedom to travel at their own pace.
Home types vary, but in general, ELS host families live in safe and affluent neighborhoods near the Center. ELS students will be assigned single rooms, most with shared bathrooms. All homes have heating and wireless internet but may not have air conditioning. ELS students will have access to living areas, the kitchen and laundry areas in the home.
What better way to practice your English and learn about American culture than to live with an American family!
Option2) Student Residence (off campus)
Location: San Rafael International Student Home 179 Los Ranchitos Road San Rafael , CA 94903
Room Type: Doubles
Meals: No meals included, but students may cook in the large and well equipped kitchen, or eat at the nearby restaurants or food court that are within walking distance of the Student Home.
Min Age: 18
Key/Damage: Not required, but students are expected to sign a housing damage form indicating responsibility to pay for any damage they may cause.
Description: The San Rafael International Student Home is located in a very safe, residential neighborhood just 3.5km from the ELS Center. It is a five minute free shuttle ride to and from the center.
The San Rafael International Student Home offers shared (double) bedrooms. Students will share a bathroom (usually for two or three students) and living area with other residents. When a bedroom is shared, students are usually paired with another student from a different country. However, students can request to be paired with a friend. Each room is provided with linens (mattress cover, bed sheets, two blankets, one towel and one pillow) as well as a desk and closet space. The facility also offers additional storage space for empty luggage and bicycles. All students have access to plates, pots and pans, cutlery and cooking utensils.
Single Room is sometimes available per special request. Contact Center directly.
●Free daily shuttle van to ELS and anywhere in San Rafael
●Walking distance to a large shopping mall with cinemas, restaurants and inexpensive food court
●Next to bus stop with bus service to San Francisco
●Shared living rooms with TV
●Wireless internet
●Shared dining room
●Shared fully-equipped kitchen
●Recreation room
●Laundry room
●Daily cleaning service for common areas and requested bathrooms
ELSサンフランシスコ - ノースベイはドミニカ大学(Dominican University of California)内に位置しています。北ノースサンフランシスコのサンラファエル市は、安全で美しい場所です。センターは、Dominican University of Californiaから徒歩で行ける距離に位置しています。ここはハイキング、ゴルフ、水泳やボートなどの野外活動を提供しています。
1. 학교 평가
도미니칸 대학교 안에 있는 시설이라서 시설도 좋고, 주변 환경도 좋습니다. 또한 현지 학교 다니는 학생들도 자주 마주칠 수 있어 좋은 것 같습니다. 학교 도서관, 체육관도 무료로 이용을 할 수 있다고 합니다.
수업은 8시 45분부터 3시 40분까지 진행이 되고 수업방식은 학생들끼리 이야기를 할 수 있도록 토론식으로 많이 진행이 됩니다. 선생님도 친절하여 모르는 것, 잘 이해가 가지 않는 것, 못 들었던 점도 다시 친절하게 대답해주시고 알려주십니다.
학교가 샌프란 시스코나 도심지와 가까워서 수업이 끝나고 놀러갈 수도 있고 금요일은 오전수업 밖에 없어 새로 만난 친구들과 계획을 세워서 여러 지역으로 놀러갈 수 있어서 좋습니다. 또한 학교에서 수업이외의 추천 활동에 대해서 알려줘서 여러 가지 정보를 얻을 수 있어서 좋습니다.
2. 현지 사정
학교가 있는 san rafael 지역은 다른 지역보다 안전하다고 하고 교통도 편리한 것 같습니다. 은행 계설은 일주일이면 만들어지고 일주일 후에 사용이 가능합니다. 현재 날씨는 아침저녁으로 쌀쌀하지만 오후에는 날씨가 따듯한 좋은 날씨입니다.
3. 아쉬운점
한 가지 아쉬운 점은 중국인과 일본인이 거의 대다수를 차지하고 있어서 영어보다 중국어 일본어를 더 많이 듣는 것 같습니다. 하지만 한국인은 거의 없어 좋은 것 같습니다.
또한 다른 한국인이 student home에 사는데 기숙사에는 중국인밖에 없고 중국어로만 이야기를 하여 지루하고 영어를 쓸 기회가 생각보다 적다고 합니다.
저는 이번년도 초부터 미국에있으면서 6개월은 Augustana University에 그리고 2개월정도 Dominican University에 있었는데요. Dominican University에 대해 후기 겸 나중에 가실분들은 위한 참고정보들을 제 나름대로 써보려고 합니다.
First 위치 - Chicago downtown에서 왼쪽에있는 Oak Park (지하철 20분 소요) 라는 도시에 위치해있습니다. 미국에서는 그렇게 저 도시간의 거리가 크게 멀다고는 절대 생각하지 않습니다. Oak Park 내에도 Downtown 이 있고 원하는거 다 할 수 있고요. 교통은 지하철이나 Uber 시스템이 워낙 잘되있어서 문제는 하나도 안된다고 생각합니다.
학교 Dominican University는 Main campus와 Prior campus 이렇게 2개가 있는데 저희 ELS센터는 Prior campus에 위치하고 있습니다. 실제로 Main campus까지의 거리는 조금 걸리나 (* 걸을시) 수시로 셔틀버스가 운행중이여서 무료로 마음껏 사용하시면 됩니다!
Second 숙소 - 가시는 분들중 대부분이 가장 걱정하시고 많이 물어보실꺼 같아서 조금 자세하게 작성하겟습니다.
Dominican University의 숙소는 크게 3가지로 나뉩니다. Domitory(기숙사) on campus , Domitory off campus, Homestay.
1. Domitory on campus - 말 그대로 학교내에 있는 기숙사인데요. 솔직히 이용한적이 없어서 자세히는 모르겠습니다. 대부분 거기 현지학생이 사용하고 자리가 날때도 있긴한데요. 들은바에 의하면 아마 주방이나 화장실은 공용으로 사용해야 할겁니다.
2. Domitory off campus - 저는 여기서 2달동안 생활했습니다. 이름만 기숙사고 실제로는 한국 아파트 원룸과 비슷하다고 생각하시면 됩니다. 위치는 학교에서 15분정도 (*걸어서) 떨어져 있지만 숙소가 Downtown안에 있어서 숙소에만 오면 생활하는거는 오히려 더편합니다. 저희는 흔히 ELS 아파트라고 많이 불렀고요. 이 숙소는 또 3가지 방으로 나뉩니다.
개인 화장실, 개인주방을 가진 방 ( 1200$정도) - 말그대로 개인 원룸과 같다고 생각하시면됩니다. 개인 화장실, 가스레인지, 냉장고 다 소유하고있어서 가장 편한 방이라고 할 수 있습니다.
개인 화장실, Half 주방을 가진방 ( 1100$ 정도) - 개인화장실은 소유했으나 주방이 이전 방보다 반정도 조그맣고 가스레인지는 없습니다. 제가 본바에 의하면 주방을 제외한 크기는 크게 차이나지 않습니다.
룸메이트와 함께쓰는 방 (980$정도) - 앞의 두방은 전부 개인 룸이였고요. 이방은 룸메이트와 함께 쓰는방입니다. 룸메이트는 같은 ELS 외국 학생들입니다. 물론 동성이고요. 방2개, 화장실, 조그만 거실 겸 부엌, 가전제품은 다있습니다. 다른 사람과 같이쓰는게 부담스럽지 않다면 가장 좋은 옵션이라고 생각합니다.
3. Homestay - 많은 외국친구들은 대부분 홈스테이를 이용하는 거 같아보였습니다. 특히 남미친구들이나 유럽친구들. 홈스테이는 말그대로 거기 사시는 분들과 같이 사는거고요. 시카고 사람들이 모두 친절해서 홈스테이도 좋은 선택이라고 말하고 싶습니다.
Third 식사 - Dominican University는 따로 meal plan을 가지고 있지않습니다. 매끼니마다 그때그때 지불해서 사드셔야 합니다. 식당은 Main campus에 위치해서 시간내에 먹기는 불편하고요. 바로 옆에 CongcodiaUniversity 식당이 있는데 점심은 그곳에서 많이 먹습니다. 한끼에 7.5$정도 합니다. 뷔페식이고 원하는거 원하는 만큼 먹을 수 있습니다. 비용이 너무 부담된다 하시면 직접 도시락 싸오는 학생도 많습니다. 기숙사 쓰는 학생들은 자주 그렇게 싸오고 홈스테이 하는 학생들도 어제먹은 저녁을 싸온다던지, 자신이 사정 얘기하고 직접 해오는 경우도 있습니다. 홈스테이는 아침 저녁을 제공해주고요 기숙사사는 학생들은 본인이 직접 사먹거나 해서 드셔야합니다.
Last Activity - Dominican University는 시카고에 위치한 만큼 매주매주 다양한 activity를 가지고 있습니다. 대표적으로 야구장 투어(*시카고 화이트삭스 경기), Sky deck투어, Beach 방문 이외에도 평일 아침 도넛타임이라던지 금요일 점심에 피자파티라던지(*가끔) 다양한 activity를 가지고 있어서 주말이나, 평일에 친구들과 언제든지 어울릴 시간을 제공해주는거 같습니다.
마지막으로 전체적으로 느낀것은 ELS 학생들 선생님들 모두 정말 친절하고 저희가 원하는거 다 해줄려고 Center에서 많이 노력합니다. 직접가보시면 더욱 느끼실것 같습니다. 제가 조금이나마 다음에 이곳에 가시는 분들에게 좋은 정보를 제공했기를 바랍니다.
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Overseas Education & Culture Center of Korea (OECKO)
104-A, Gunjagwan, Sejong University, 209 Neungdong-ro Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, 05006,South Korea
Phone: +82-2-512-2022, +82-10-2018-3228