* Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.
(2024) December 30, January 27, February 24, March 24, April 21, May 19, June 16, July 14, August 11, September 8, October 6, November 3, December 1
January 1, January 29, February 26, March 25, April 22, May 20, June 17, July 15, August 12, September 9, October 7, November 4, December 2
Cancellation policy
*If you withdraw after completing at least 50% of your booked course, you will not be
eligible for a refund.
If canceled within 28 days, $300 is retained for each 4-week session canceled less than 28 days in advance.
*If you enter the U.S.A. on a student visa sponsored by ELS and cancel your booked course or do not report for class, ELS will retain the first four weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee if you have a booked course of four or eight weeks. If you have a booked course of 12 weeks or more, ELS will retain the first six weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee.
*The application fee toward a new course for up to 12 months after your initially
scheduled start-date when you cancel your initial program.
*When you cancel your program, you will lose discounted tuition. But if you complete level 109 or 112 student will be fully refunded.
Housing Cancellation
If a student wishes to cancel or defer, we kindly ask that they notify us as soon as possible.
- If the student notifies ELS at least 14 days prior to arrival, the housing reservation fee will be refunded in full.
- If the student notifies ELS fewer than 14 days prior to arrival, the reservation fee is non-refundable.
- In case of a visa denial, ELS will refund the $600 reservation fee upon receipt of a visa denial letter.
American Explorer Program(ACP) (American Explorer Program(ACP))
* Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.
(2024) December 30, January 27, February 24, March 24, April 21, May 19, June 16, July 14, August 11, September 8, October 6, November 3, December 1
January 1, January 29, February 26, March 25, April 22, May 20, June 17, July 15, August 12, September 9, October 7, November 4, December 2
Cancellation policy
*If you withdraw after completing at least 50% of your booked course, you will not be
eligible for a refund.
If canceled within 28 days, $300 is retained for each 4-week session canceled less than 28 days in advance.
*If you enter the U.S.A. on a student visa sponsored by ELS and cancel your booked course or do not report for class, ELS will retain the first four weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee if you have a booked course of four or eight weeks. If you have a booked course of 12 weeks or more, ELS will retain the first six weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee.
*The application fee toward a new course for up to 12 months after your initially
scheduled start-date when you cancel your initial program.
*When you cancel your program, you will lose discounted tuition. But if you complete level 109 or 112 student will be fully refunded.
Housing Cancellation
If a student wishes to cancel or defer, we kindly ask that they notify us as soon as possible.
- If the student notifies ELS at least 14 days prior to arrival, the housing reservation fee will be refunded in full.
- If the student notifies ELS fewer than 14 days prior to arrival, the reservation fee is non-refundable.
- In case of a visa denial, ELS will refund the $600 reservation fee upon receipt of a visa denial letter.
Intensive English Program(IEP) (Intensive English Program(IEP))
* Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.
(2024) December 30, January 27, February 24, March 24, April 21, May 19, June 16, July 14, August 11, September 8, October 6, November 3, December 1
January 1, January 29, February 26, March 25, April 22, May 20, June 17, July 15, August 12, September 9, October 7, November 4, December 2
Cancellation Policy
*If you withdraw after completing at least 50% of your booked course, you will not be
eligible for a refund.
If canceled within 28 days, $300 is retained for each 4-week session canceled less than 28 days in advance.
*If you enter the U.S.A. on a student visa sponsored by ELS and cancel your booked course or do not report for class, ELS will retain the first four weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee if you have a booked course of four or eight weeks. If you have a booked course of 12 weeks or more, ELS will retain the first six weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee.
*The application fee toward a new course for up to 12 months after your initially
scheduled start-date when you cancel your initial program.
*When you cancel your program, you will lose discounted tuition. But if you complete level 109 or 112 student will be fully refunded.
Housing Cancellation
If a student wishes to cancel or defer, we kindly ask that they notify us as soon as possible.
- If the student notifies ELS at least 14 days prior to arrival, the housing reservation fee will be refunded in full.
- If the student notifies ELS fewer than 14 days prior to arrival, the reservation fee is non-refundable.
- In case of a visa denial, ELS will refund the $600 reservation fee upon receipt of a visa denial letter.
Room Type:Singles
Meals:14 meals per week
Min Age:18
ELS Cincinnati has a very well established homestay program with a variety of families to accommodate students' interests and needs. Living with a homestay family allows students to immerse themselves in American culture as well as practice their English skills on a daily basis. Cincinnati's homestay families offer a warm and welcoming environment. The homes are just a bus ride away from the ELS Center. They are also located close to attractions and events throughout Cincinnati. The families' homes are located in safe residential neighborhoods that are easily accessible to campus by either a shuttle or a bus.
Homestay students should notify their host families or ELS of their arrival times so that families will know to be home when they arrive. Students are responsible for their own transportation to ELS. Students can take the city bus at a reduced rate with their UC ID card.
Student Residence (on campus, Schneider Hall)
Location:Campus Recreation Center
101 West Daniels Street
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Room Type:
No meals included
Min Age:
Not required, but students are expected to sign a housing damage form indicating responsibility to pay for any damage they may cause.
Campus Recreation Center Hall offers suite-style units with 2-single bedrooms, bathroom and entry space. Microwave and mini-fridge available for student use. Total capacity of 230.
Reserve by:
Reserve through ELS Central Admissions at the time of the application. Housing deposit is required to reserve.
Location:Morgens Hall
2931 Scioto Lane
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Room Type:
No meals included
Min Age:
Not required, but students are expected to sign a housing damage form indicating responsibility to pay for any damage they may cause.
Morgens Hall is a newly renovated building with modern efficiencies. It is apartment style with shared bedrooms and each unit includes a kitchenette including stove top, microwave, and mini-fridge for preparing food! Apartment units are completely furnished and linens are provided.
Morgens Hall is about a 7 minute walk to the ELS Center. It is conveniently located within walking distance to cafeterias, the library, shops and restaurants.
Reserve by:
Reserve through ELS Central Admissions at the time of the application. Housing deposit is required to reserve.
ELS/Cincinnatiは、現代的なUniversity of Cincinnatiに位置しています。ELSセンターは、様々なショップ、レストラン、スポーツイベントに参加することができる最高の条件を備えています。この都市は、世界的な会社のからとしての周りの多くの大学がToyota、General Electric、Procter&Gambleのような会社とインターン制を結んでいます。Riverfront公園とシンシナティ動物園では、学生は自然の景観を満喫することができます。オーケストラ公演、オペラ、バレエ、世界的博物館で文化的な生活を体験することができます。
미국에 가게된 이유는 라스베가스에 있는 CSN을 가고 최종목표는 네바다 라스베가스 UNLV 호텔경영학과를 진학하기 위함이었다. ELS신시내티를 신청하게된 이유는 영어레벨 109를 받으면 CSN 조건부 입학 허가서를 받을수 있었기 때문이다. ELS 신시내티 수업을 참석해보니 처음 들어갔을때 레벨테스트 단계를 조금 낮게 준것같았다. 월반을 하게 된 이유는 한국에서 조금더 쉬고싶어서 였는데 센터 총책임자가 나의 월반을 마음에 들지않아했다. 그러나 내가 영어성적이 우수하여 월반을 하게된 계기이다. 이런일은 흔하지 않다고 한다. 수업은 전반적으로 다 괜찮았다. 야외할동은 다양하였으나 나는 공부하기 위하여 많이 참여하지않았다. 그리고 도착한 홈스테이는 다른 홈스테이와 다르게 주인집과 주인아들집 2개로 이루어져있었다. 나는 주인아들집에서 살았는데 버스로 25분정도 걸렸다. 하지만 버스가 늦게까지 다니는것은 장점이다. 홈스테이 밥은 같이 사는 사람에 따라 많이 달라진다. 주인이 중동쪽 사람이 많으면 돼지고기는 먹을수 없고 아시아계가 많으면 밥을 준다. 주말에는 밥을 주지 않아서 해먹었다. 하지만 버스가 한시간에 2번밖에 않오기 때문에 놓치면 못간다. 버스비는 1.75달러정도 하는데 센터에서 할인 요청을 하면 1달러이다. 무한대로 타면 2달에 40달러정도한다. 요청을 하고싶어면 센터가서 관리자한테 물어보면 차근차근 알려준다. ELS 학생증을 만들면 사진은 학교에서 찍어주고 비용은 무료이다. 도서관을 이용할수 있다. 체육관은 1달에 30달러인데 시설이 매우 훌륭하며 굉장히 큰편이다. 학교 규모가 대단히 크며 운동하는 사람이 많다. 운동장이 잠실 운동장만한 크기다. ELS 신시내티에서 공부한것은 큰 행운이였다. 수업에 질은 선생님마다 꽤나 많은 차이가 있었다. 조금 나이가 든 선생님에 경우에는 매사 귀찮아하고 수업이 상당히 지루하면 모든것을 숙제로 내주는 반면 젊은 선생님의 경우에는 상당히 성실하며 친절히 가르쳐준다. 하지만 젊은 선생님들은 거의 1달에 한번씩 교체가된다.
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