- Live and study in a safe, historic community close to downtown Chicago, and public transportation - Enjoy a wide variety of student activities: concerts, museums, sporting events and theme parks - Meet a diverse student population from around the world - Interact with local university students through class visits and conversation partners programs - Build professional skills through Business English, our Global Engagement certificate program and special workshops
ドミニカン大学は、River Forest Illinoisの高等教育と研究の男女共学、総合、カトリックの機関です。Sinsinawa Dominican Sistersと提携された大学は学士号と修士号を提供して資格プログラムだけでなく、図書館の博士号と情報科学を提供します。Dominican Rosary College of Arts and Sciencesの50以上の専攻と大学院の仕事を提供する5つの大学院での研究的で20のプログラムを提供します。ドミニカンは、専門的かつ継続的な研究の学校を持っています。芸術と科学だけでなく、教育やビジネスなどの工法指向分野のプログラムによく知られています。3900人の学生と142フルタイムの教授陣と一緒にある学校は、中西部の修士レベルの大学の上位階層に選ばれました。
* Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.
Cancellation Policy
*If you withdraw after completing at least 50% of your booked course, you will not be
eligible for a refund.
If canceled within 28 days, $300 is retained for each 4-week session canceled less than 28 days in advance.
*If you enter the U.S.A. on a student visa sponsored by ELS and cancel your booked course or do not report for class, ELS will retain the first four weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee if you have a booked course of four or eight weeks. If you have a booked course of 12 weeks or more, ELS will retain the first six weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee.
*The application fee toward a new course for up to 12 months after your initially
scheduled start-date when you cancel your initial program.
*When you cancel your program, you will lose discounted tuition. But if you complete level 109 or 112 student will be fully refunded.
American Explorer Program(ACP) (American Explorer Program(ACP))
* Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.
Cancellation Policy
*If you withdraw after completing at least 50% of your booked course, you will not be
eligible for a refund.
If canceled within 28 days, $300 is retained for each 4-week session canceled less than 28 days in advance.
*If you enter the U.S.A. on a student visa sponsored by ELS and cancel your booked course or do not report for class, ELS will retain the first four weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee if you have a booked course of four or eight weeks. If you have a booked course of 12 weeks or more, ELS will retain the first six weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee.
*The application fee toward a new course for up to 12 months after your initially
scheduled start-date when you cancel your initial program.
*When you cancel your program, you will lose discounted tuition. But if you complete level 109 or 112 student will be fully refunded.
Intensive English Program(IEP) (Intensive English Program(IEP))
* Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.
Cancellation Policy
*If you withdraw after completing at least 50% of your booked course, you will not be
eligible for a refund.
If canceled within 28 days, $300 is retained for each 4-week session canceled less than 28 days in advance.
*If you enter the U.S.A. on a student visa sponsored by ELS and cancel your booked course or do not report for class, ELS will retain the first four weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee if you have a booked course of four or eight weeks. If you have a booked course of 12 weeks or more, ELS will retain the first six weeks of tuition as a non-refundable fee.
*The application fee toward a new course for up to 12 months after your initially
scheduled start-date when you cancel your initial program.
*When you cancel your program, you will lose discounted tuition. But if you complete level 109 or 112 student will be fully refunded.
Off campus apartments are centrally located in downtown areas.
- Apartment-style accommodation
- Double occupancy rooms with two-bedroom, two-bathroom
- Close to shops, dining, and entertainment
- Located within 30 minutes' walking distance or 15 minutes public transportation from the ELS center
- Meals not included but All units have kitchen amenities to keep and prepare food
OPTION 2) Local Homestay
Minimum age: 16
Local home-stays are in safe, historic Chicago neighborhoods.
- Easy walking and cycling distance from the ELS center.
- Easy access to the campus and city with nearby transportation network of buses, trains, and subway lines
- Single occupancy rooms
- 14 meals per week
OPTION 3) On Campus Dormitories
On campus dormitories in the same building as the ELS center
ELS/Chicagoアメリカで三番目に大きい都市でわずか20分、Dominican Universityの美しいキャンパス内にあります。シカゴはLyric Opera、Field museum、the Art institue of Chicagoのブルース、ジャズ、コメディクラブ、スポーツイベントなどの文化活動を提供しています。シカゴの"Magnificent Mile"は、ミシガン湖の美しい湖畔から徒歩で移動できる距離に建築、ショップやレストランの国際的なショーケースを提供しています。ESL/Chicago American Conversationパートナーシップ、大学の授業訪問、Host Collegeに同時登録、Contact America Programとキャンパス施設を利用することができます。北西部地域の最大の都市で、シカゴはMagnificent Mile、ブルース、ジャズとコメディクラブ、世界クラスの美術館や交響曲やプロスポーツで有名です。ESL/ChicagoセンターのあるRiver Forst店やレストランの歩行距離に位置しています。野外でのスポーツや自然を楽しむ人々のために、Lake Michigan海岸線とNavy Pier複合体は、中心から車で運転することができます。
저는 도미니칸 대학교 방학 프로그램 아메리칸 익스플로러(AEP)과정을 들었습니다. 시카고에 친척이 있어서 친척집에 방학동안 놀러갈 예정이었는데 부모님이 이왕 가는거 영어공부를 하고왔으면 좋겠다고 하셔서 시카고에 있는 랭귀지스쿨이나 대학에서 주최하는 단기과정들을 알아보다가 도미니칸 대학교의 AEP과정을 듣게되었어요. AEP는 미국에서 방학을 보내게 되는 외국인 학생들이 영어공부를 할 수 있도록 만든 프로그램이기 때문에 다른 어학연수 과정들보다 힘들거나 빡센 과정은 아니에요. 월요일부터 금요일까지 오전에 강의를 3개씩 듣는건데 여행이 목적이었던 저에게는 오전에는 영어공부, 오후에는 여행 두가지다 할 수 있게 되어서 좋았어요. 지루한 문법보다는 단어나 말하기 위주 수업이기 때문에 재밌었고, 가장 좋았던 점은 그곳에서 만난 외국인 친구들을 알게되었다는 점이에요. 저처럼 시카고에 여행왔다가 영어수업을 들으러 온 일본인 친구들이나 유럽에서 온 친구들도 있었고, 덕분에 친해져서 같이 놀기도하고 재미있게 보낼 수 있었어요. 그리고 방학 단기 과정이긴 하지만 3개월동안 꾸준히 수업도 듣고 말도 하다보니 생각했던 것보다 영어도 굉장히 많이 늘었어요. 선생님들도 굉장히 친절하시고 수업도 체계적이에요. 아 그리고 도미니칸 대학교는 나홀로집에 촬영장이기도 해서 학교도 정말 크고 멋있어요. 시카고로 어학연수 가시는분들 참고되셨으면 좋겠네요.
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Overseas Education & Culture Center of Korea (OECKO)
104-A, Gunjagwan, Sejong University, 209 Neungdong-ro Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, 05006,South Korea
Phone: +82-2-512-2022, +82-10-2018-3228