오번대학교 몽고베리(Auburn University at Mongtomery)의 ESL(English as a Second Language Program)은 영어가 모국어가 아닌 학생들이 언어 및 작문 능력을 전문적으로, 개인적으로 및 학습적으로 향상시킬 수 있도록 많은 ESL 과정과 서비스를 제공합니다. 집중 영어 프로그램, ESL 커뮤니티 프로그램, English for Specific Purposes, IELTS Testing Center와 Language&Culture Institute을 포함합니다.
덧붙여, AUM ESL은 알라바마 주에서 유일히 있는 IELTS 신터 고사장입니다. AUM 집중 영어 프로그램에 등록한 모든 학생들은 AUM ESL을 통해 IELTS 준비반을 들을 수 있습니다. TOEFL 시험 또한 제공됩니다.
오번대학교 몽고메리는 US News and World Reprt에서 미국 남쪽의 가장 좋은 대학교들 중 한 곳으로 선정됐고 The Princeton Review에서부터 가장 좋은 비즈니스 스쿨로 선정됐다고 합니다. AUM의 경영과는 전세계 모든 비즈니스 학교 중 상위 1%에 있습니다. AUM 학생들은 5개 부서의 90개가 넘는 전공을 들을 수 있습니다.
Intensive English Program (Intensive English Program)
The Intensive English Program (IEP) offers high-quality English language courses to international students, visitors, and residents, so that all second-language speakers may feel confident in their English language abilities and possess a knowledge of American culture.
The IEP offers 3 English language courses taught at 4 language proficiency levels across an 8-week term.
Benifits :
On-campus housing is available for all F-1 students who enrolled in the IEP.
All IEP courses are taught on the campus of AUM by experienced and qualified ESL faculty members with master’s degrees in TESOL, ESL, or an English language related field.
All IEP students will have many opportunities to participate in a variety of on and off campus cultural events as well as interact with other internationals and U.S. citizens from diverse cultures.
All IEP F-1 students may access to many campus amenities and student services, such as:
Campus Events
The Cafe at AUM
Wellness Center
Warhawk Health Services
Campus Traditions
Tutoring Services
Warhawk Transit
International Student Advising
Types of Course :
Reading and Discussion
Grammar and Writing
Listening and Speaking
Upon arriving to AUM ESL, students will take a free English language placement test.
Based upon the test results, students are then placed into a class of 10-14 students with similar language proficiency levels.
Classroom Hour:
Monday - Thursday
All IEP classes last 90 minutes
8:30 - 10:00 AM : Reading and Discussion
10:15 - 11:45 A.M. : Grammar and Writing
1:00 - 2:30 P.M.
ESL Refund Policy
For all refunds, regardless of circumstance, there will be a $25 administrative fee.
Before the first day of the term100%
On the first or second day of the term 80%
After the second day of the term 0%
授業 規模
10-14 Students
授業 期間
8, 16 Weeks
授業 レベル
4 levels
Intensive English Program (Intensive English Program)
The Intensive English Program (IEP) offers high-quality English language courses to international students, visitors, and residents, so that all second-language speakers may feel confident in their English language abilities and possess a knowledge of American culture.
The IEP offers 3 English language courses taught at 4 language proficiency levels across an 8-week term.
Benifits :
On-campus housing is available for all F-1 students who enrolled in the IEP.
All IEP courses are taught on the campus of AUM by experienced and qualified ESL faculty members with master’s degrees in TESOL, ESL, or an English language related field.
All IEP students will have many opportunities to participate in a variety of on and off campus cultural events as well as interact with other internationals and U.S. citizens from diverse cultures.
All IEP F-1 students may access to many campus amenities and student services, such as:
Campus Events
The Cafe at AUM
Wellness Center
Warhawk Health Services
Campus Traditions
Tutoring Services
Warhawk Transit
International Student Advising
Types of Course :
Reading and Discussion
Grammar and Writing
Listening and Speaking
Upon arriving to AUM ESL, students will take a free English language placement test.
Based upon the test results, students are then placed into a class of 10-14 students with similar language proficiency levels.
Classroom Hour:
Monday - Thursday
All IEP classes last 90 minutes
8:30 - 10:00 AM : Reading and Discussion
10:15 - 11:45 A.M. : Grammar and Writing
1:00 - 2:30 P.M.
ESL Refund Policy
For all refunds, regardless of circumstance, there will be a $25 administrative fee.
Before the first day of the term100%
On the first or second day of the term 80%
After the second day of the term 0%
授業 規模
10-14 Students
授業 期間
8, 16 Weeks
授業 レベル
4 levels
We are writing to inform you of an update to our admissions process. Starting March 20, 2023, the minimum required Duolingo score will move from 90 to 100.
現在の(2024年) プログラムのスケジュール終了で (2025年) スケジュール更新中です。
8 Week
16 Week
(USD)$ 1,700 / 週間
(USD)$ 3,400 / 週間
16 Weeks
(USD)$ The Commons $3,150 / The Courtyards $1,920 (4인실) / The Courtyards $3,785 (2인실) / The Courtyards $4,220 (1인실) / Warhawk Hall $4,495 (1인실) / Warhawk Hall $4,035 (2인실) / Warhawk Hall $3,585 (3인실) / P-40 Place $4,080 (2인실) / P-40 Place $2,655 (4인실)
International students who have scored at least 488 on paper-based TOEFL, 57 on internet-based TOEFL, 85-99 on Duo-lingo, or 5.0 on IELTS will take a combined load of undergraduate courses, including appropriate English as a Second Language (ESL) courses. Students will applicate as an International Undergraduate program and if the English Proficiency scores are less than the minimum required for full admission, the application will be processed as pathway.
Curriculum :
2 Major Academic Class (6-7credits/semester) + 2 ELS Class
Once you fulfill AUM”s minimum acceptable score requirements, you can go on as an official undergraduate student.
Fees :
The tuition and fees for 2 ESL classes will be $1310 for one term
$801 per credit hour
ELS Programs :
- Communicative English
- TOEFL iTP Assessment Series
- Intensive English Program
Bachelors Majors Offered in AUM :
College of Business
Human Resource Management
Information Systems
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Art History
Criminal Justice
Graphic Design
Interdisciplinary Studies
International Economics and Commerce
Legal Studies
Marriage and Family
Painting and Drawing
Political Economy
Political Science
Pre-Social Work
Visual Art
College of Sciences
Biology and Health Sciences
Chemistry – Health Sciences
Chemistry – Professional
Computer Science & Computer Information Systems
Environmental Biology
Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Geographic Information Systems
Environmental Health and Toxicology
General Biology
Molecular Biology
Public Health and Microbiology
Social Work
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Communication Disorders
Interdisciplinary Studies
Medical Lab Technician to Medical Lab Scientist (MLT-MLS)
Medical Laboratory Science (MLS)
Nursing (BSN)
College of Education
Early Childhood and Elementary Education
Exercise Science
Physical Education
Secondary Education 6-12
Special Education
Sport Management
授業 規模
14+ Students
授業 期間
16 Weeks
授業 レベル
85-99 on Duolingo
I-20 Issued Upon Request
International Pathways Program (International Pathways Program)
International students who have scored at least 488 on paper-based TOEFL, 57 on internet-based TOEFL, 85-99 on Duo-lingo, or 5.0 on IELTS will take a combined load of undergraduate courses, including appropriate English as a Second Language (ESL) courses. Students will applicate as an International Undergraduate program and if the English Proficiency scores are less than the minimum required for full admission, the application will be processed as pathway.
Curriculum :
2 Major Academic Class (6-7credits/semester) + 2 ELS Class
Once you fulfill AUM”s minimum acceptable score requirements, you can go on as an official undergraduate student.
Fees :
The tuition and fees for 2 ESL classes will be $1310 for one term
$801 per credit hour
ELS Programs :
- Communicative English
- TOEFL iTP Assessment Series
- Intensive English Program
Bachelors Majors Offered in AUM :
College of Business
Human Resource Management
Information Systems
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Art History
Criminal Justice
Graphic Design
Interdisciplinary Studies
International Economics and Commerce
Legal Studies
Marriage and Family
Painting and Drawing
Political Economy
Political Science
Pre-Social Work
Visual Art
College of Sciences
Biology and Health Sciences
Chemistry – Health Sciences
Chemistry – Professional
Computer Science & Computer Information Systems
Environmental Biology
Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Geographic Information Systems
Environmental Health and Toxicology
General Biology
Molecular Biology
Public Health and Microbiology
Social Work
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Communication Disorders
Interdisciplinary Studies
Medical Lab Technician to Medical Lab Scientist (MLT-MLS)
안녕하세요! 지난 10월에 미국에와서 현재 4개월차된 학생입니다
현재 오번대학교 몽고메리 캠퍼스에서 ESL 프로그램을 듣고 있습니다 학교 시설은 최대한 이곳 환경에 맞게 편리하게 되어 있습니다 기숙사를 신청하신 분들은 시간표를 확인해서 warhawk transit 을 이용해 가까운 walmart나 East chase mall을 갈 수 있습니다. 또 The nest라는 거주자들을 위한 쉼터 같은 건물이 있는데 그곳은 최근에 지어져서 굉장히 깔끔한 시설과 작은 매점이 있습니다 혹시나 Campus off 에 지내실 분들은 montgomery transit 이 다니는 쪽에 거주하시거나 혹은 국제면허증, 직접 여기서 취득하는 방법을 이용해서 차를 타시는 것을 권장합니다 Downtown쪽에는 횡단보도가 있거나 버스가 잘 다니는 반면 이 AUM은 그렇지 않기 때문에 교통수단에 대해선 사전에 준비를 하시는 것을 권장합니다. 선생님들은 모두 친절하시고 좋은 분들입니다 essay를 쓰거나 모르는 부분이 있을 때 세심하게 봐주시거나 이야기를 할때 귀담아 들어주시는 등 선생님과 친구같이 지낼 수 있습니다 영어 수업은 Reading Grammer Speaking 으로 나눠져있고 토플에 나오는 문제들 같이 수업을 진행합니다 Essay를 쓴다거나 스피킹을 할때 주제를 정해서 말하기를 한다던가 등등,, 방과후 액티비티는 Eastchase mall을 가서 쇼핑을 하거나 볼링, 영화관 등등을 할 수 있습니다 이 또한 학교 버스로는 시간대를 잘 선택해서 갈수는 있지만 그 외에는 우버 혹은 차를 타야만 갈 수 있습니다 추가로 이 몽고메리지역에는 현대라는 회사로 인해 많은 한국분들이 살고 계십니다 그렇기때문에 한식당이 4개에서 5개 정도 있고 서울식품이라는 곳에서 한국 식품을 살 수 있습니다 곧 H마트도 들어온다고 하는데 계속 미뤄지고 있어서 확실하진 않습니다 주말관광으로는 3시간 정도 걸리는 애틀랜타와 4시간 정도 걸리는 플로리다 2시간 정도 걸리는 버밍햄 등등이 있고 애틀랜타를 보통 많이 가십니다 H마트와 다양한 한식당이 있어서 보통 주말을 이용해 많이들 가십니다 추가로 제가 이곳에서 갑상선기능저하증이란 병을 발견했습니다 다행히 학교보험으로 인해 많은 돈이 커버가 되었고 제가 낸 돈은 첫 진료비와 다달이 내는 약값이 전부입니다 외부보험보단 학교보험을 하시길 추천합니다
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