カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校のInternational Education Programs(IEP)は30年以上の歴史を持っており、世界的に有名な教育機関です。この学校はアメリカで最も大きな国際教育機関のひとつであり、毎年3,000人以上の学生が40カ国以上の国から英語学習のために入学しており、学生たちがカリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校で授与される修了証や資格証は学生たちの未来業績に大きく役立つと思います。カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校の位置は、アメリカ西部の地域を旅行したい学生たちにぴったりの場所です。カリフォルニア州はアメリカに語学研修のためにやって来る学生たちに一番人気のあるところです。ここは住みよく、国際的で一年中の太陽の光が降り注ぐところです。カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校はカリフォルニア南部の中心に位置しており、ロサンゼルス、ハリウッド、サンディエゴ、パームスプリングスのような有名都市の近くに位置しております。学校の学生たちに一番人気のある旅行先としてはディズニーランド、マジックマウンテン、Big Bear and Lake Arrowhead、ラスベガス、サンフランシスコ、そしてオレンジカウンティの海辺などがあります。
カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校 について
カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校は公立研究大学で、カリフォルニア大学の10キャンパスの中の一ヵ所です。キャンパスの大きさは1,200エーカー程度で、アメリカのカリフォルニア州のリバーサイド郊外の町に位置しております。1907年に設立されたカリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校はカリフォルニア州の柑橘農業のためのバイオ農薬や成長調整物質に関する研究をしてきました。世界的に有名な柑橘研究や昆虫学、そして空想科学や写真学に関する研究がカリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校のCollege of Letters and Scienceで行われました。 カリフォルニア大学の運営陣は1959年にカリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校をカリフォルニア大学の一部と認め、1961年に修士学位プログラムが開始されました。2015年まで21,000人の学生を入学させるために、7億3千ドルの投資金が使用されており、1999年から始まった薬学大学の校舎が2012年10月に完工され、2013年8月に学生が入学する予定です。この機関は40年ぶりに初めて開始される研究中心の薬学大学です。
- Electives offered in levels 300-400 focus on intercultural skills, and electives in levels 500-700 focus on certificate courses from the Specialized Professional Program in Supervision and Leadership.
- application will be processed within 10 business days
- Duolingo English test for determining the correct introductory level.
- Minimum Age Requirement for Admission to an On-Campus International Program: at least 18 years of age on the first day of program
2~6 weeks program
- Offered to students at all language levels, beginner to advanced
- Cultural skills workshops, campus activities, local cultural visits, and dedicated study sessions in the afternoons
- Part-time program; does not require F-1 visa
- Optional add-on tours available for groups
- Seasonal offering: 2-week, 4-week, and 6-week sessions
- Offered biannually during the months of July/August and January/February
- Entering students will take a placement test to determine their English level (Available to students 17 years and older at all levels of English proficiency.)
- Minimum Age Requirement for Admission to an On-Campus International Program: at least 18 years of age on the first day of program
- Electives offered in levels 300-400 focus on intercultural skills, and electives in levels 500-700 focus on certificate courses from the Specialized Professional Program in Supervision and Leadership.
- application will be processed within 10 business days
- Duolingo English test for determining the correct introductory level.
- Minimum Age Requirement for Admission to an On-Campus International Program: at least 18 years of age on the first day of program
2~6 weeks program
- Offered to students at all language levels, beginner to advanced
- Cultural skills workshops, campus activities, local cultural visits, and dedicated study sessions in the afternoons
- Part-time program; does not require F-1 visa
- Optional add-on tours available for groups
- Seasonal offering: 2-week, 4-week, and 6-week sessions
- Offered biannually during the months of July/August and January/February
- Entering students will take a placement test to determine their English level (Available to students 17 years and older at all levels of English proficiency.)
- Minimum Age Requirement for Admission to an On-Campus International Program: at least 18 years of age on the first day of program
UCP students must demonstrate an advanced understanding of English language, and have a strong academic foundation. Gain access to courses in over 80 undergraduate majors, and 50 graduate programs. UCP students can earn one or more certificates, depending on the length of stay and number of units taken.
授業目標 :
Join a Postgraduate Diploma, Certificate, or Master's Pathway program (additional fees may apply)
Programs may include both academic coursework and an internship
Receive FREE college advising when choosing and enrolling for UCR main campus or UCR Extension courses
Get personal assistance if you wish to apply for an undergraduate or graduate degree program
Get personal assistance or attend a FREE workshop to help you write your personal statement, apply to community colleges, or universities in the U.S.
Take a test preparation course (additional fees apply), including:
Upon completion of your program, request an official transcript showing your grades and the number of credits that can be transferred back to your home institution
カリキュラム :
UCR Main Campus (Undergraduate and Graduate Level)
Courses are available in the sciences, humanities, and many other areas at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in the daytime and evening.
Our College Advising office helps you create the best schedule, and ensures you have a full course load of 12 units.*
UCR is one of only three UC campuses with an undergraduate program in Business.**
*Students may not get into their first choice of courses, because availability may be limited.
**Some courses, such as in the MBA program, are restricted and/or require additional fees.
UCR Extension
UCR Extension offers a range of academic courses in a variety of areas during the late afternoon and evenings.
Many UCR Extension courses carry credit, and offer a unique opportunity to study with experts who are real-world practitioners.
Take advantage of the opportunity to earn a UC Professional or Specialized Certificate.
Build your professional network, and make connections you can use in your future career.
授業時間 :
ホームステイ, キャンパス内寮/宿泊, キャンパス外宿泊施設
University Credit Program (UCP) (University Credit Program (UCP) )
UCP students must demonstrate an advanced understanding of English language, and have a strong academic foundation. Gain access to courses in over 80 undergraduate majors, and 50 graduate programs. UCP students can earn one or more certificates, depending on the length of stay and number of units taken.
授業目標 :
Join a Postgraduate Diploma, Certificate, or Master's Pathway program (additional fees may apply)
Programs may include both academic coursework and an internship
Receive FREE college advising when choosing and enrolling for UCR main campus or UCR Extension courses
Get personal assistance if you wish to apply for an undergraduate or graduate degree program
Get personal assistance or attend a FREE workshop to help you write your personal statement, apply to community colleges, or universities in the U.S.
Take a test preparation course (additional fees apply), including:
Upon completion of your program, request an official transcript showing your grades and the number of credits that can be transferred back to your home institution
カリキュラム :
UCR Main Campus (Undergraduate and Graduate Level)
Courses are available in the sciences, humanities, and many other areas at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in the daytime and evening.
Our College Advising office helps you create the best schedule, and ensures you have a full course load of 12 units.*
UCR is one of only three UC campuses with an undergraduate program in Business.**
*Students may not get into their first choice of courses, because availability may be limited.
**Some courses, such as in the MBA program, are restricted and/or require additional fees.
UCR Extension
UCR Extension offers a range of academic courses in a variety of areas during the late afternoon and evenings.
Many UCR Extension courses carry credit, and offer a unique opportunity to study with experts who are real-world practitioners.
Take advantage of the opportunity to earn a UC Professional or Specialized Certificate.
Build your professional network, and make connections you can use in your future career.
アメリカのカリフォルニア州は国際学生たちが英語を勉強するために一番行きたいところの一つです。カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校は最も住みよく、国際的で一年中太陽の光が降り注ぐカリフォルニア南部に位置しており、ロサンゼルス、ハリウッド、サンディエゴ、パームスプリングスなどの有名都市の近くに位置しております。カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校の学生たちが一番好きな場所はディズニーランド、マジックマウンテン、ユニバーサルスタジオ、Big Bear and Lake Arrowhead、ラース・ベカジ、サンフランシスコ、そしてオレンジカウンティの海辺などがあります。
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104-A, Gunjagwan, Sejong University, 209 Neungdong-ro Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, 05006,South Korea
Phone: +82-2-512-2022, +82-10-2018-3228